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Gallery of MATH Links

Below are webpages that 6th grade math learners and teachers may find useful. They range from videos for instruction (allowing you to search concept areas) to practice websites (providing the learner with engaging activities to practice a variety of skills). If you have questions or want more information about how to use the sites, feel free to contact me.


Videos for Instruction:


Practice Websites:

Factors and Multiples:

  • Product Game- This website provides an engaging one or two person game. In this game students chose factors that equal a product on the game board. As a student's level of understanding increases, they are able to develop strategies to increase score.

  • Factors and Multiples- This website provides a game to practice finding both factors and multiples of a number. As a student's level of understanding increases, they are able to develop strategies to increase score.


Order of Operations:

  • Selecting Operation- This website provides a game that serves as a great introduction to learning the order of operations. Rather than focusing on the basic skills, the sole focus of this game is for students to correctly identify the order of the operations. When students are given an expression they select the operation symbol that should be completed first, then second, and so on. 

  • Who wants to be a Millionaire- This website provides a virtual game of who wants to me a millionaire. Students are given a multiple choice question requring them to use order of operations to correctly solve. The game is scaffolded, as students are given more difficult questions (including brackets, exponents, etc...) as they get surface level correct.



  • Common Denominator- This website is a great site when beginning the algorithm of adding/subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. On this webpage, there is a video that explains how to find a common denominator

  • Add Fractions- This website provides a 'fruit shoot' game practicing the skill of adding fractions. On this webpage, students are able to choose a game that fits their current level of understanding: adding fractions with like denominators, adding fractions with unlike denominators, and adding fractions with unlike denominators involving reducing.

  • Subtract Fractions- This website provides a 'fruit shoot' game practicing the skill of subtracting fractions. On this webpage, students are able to choose a game that fits their current level of understanding: adding fractions with like denominators, adding fractions with unlike denominators, and adding fractions with unlike denominators involving regrouping.



  • Math at the Mall- This website provides a virtual game involving shopping at a mall. While playing, users are asked to calculate percent discount, tax, interest from a bank, and compare prices from multiple stores. This activity provides students practice of the concept and real-world application.

  • Jeopardy- This website offers a jeopardy game to practice conversions. Students are able to choose their category and level of difficulty. The categories include converting fractions to decimals, converting fractions to percents, converting percents to decimals, and converting percents to fractions.


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