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Courses completed at Michigan State University

Anchor 1
Fall 2011-    
Spring 2012

TE 801, Professional Roles and Teaching Practice I

Fall 2011, Mr Higinio Dominguez

I started the course by writing my current philosophy of mathematics which developed over the semester. One project I completed was investigating and creating ways to find math in the community surrounding my school. I was able to experience a student experiencing real world application as well as engaging the families of my students. I was given an opportunity to observe, transcribe, and analyze math lesson plans as well as plan and instruct a math unit plan. 


TE 802, Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I

Fall 2011, Ms Sara Little

In this course we learned about teaching academic subject through literacy. Literacy is the foundation of learning for all subjects. We were able to investigate how students learn language, learn about language, and learn through language. Within this course we created an integrated unit to correlate curriculum with standards, performance objectives, student prior knowledge, and assessment of understanding.


TE 803, Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II

Spring 2012, Ms E. Byker

There were six areas of focus in this course: Social Studies Teaching, integrated curriculum, professional and ethical responsibilities as a teacher, accommodation of special needs, lesson study, reflective practices. In this course I learned effective practices to teach Social Studies and was given the opportunity to plan a unit for to use during my student teaching within the lesson study. I also learned about ways to accommodated ALL learners, especially those with special needs. With a group, I researched and prepared a presentation on students with ADD. The knowledge I gained throughout this project continues to help me work successfully with students with ADD and their families. 


TE 804, Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

Spring 2012, Ms Angela Calabrese Barton

During this semester, I was given the opportunity to collect, analyze, and interpret data on teaching and learning. A huge focus of this course was inquiry based learning in science. I was able to participate in a science talk which gave me the knowledge to lead a science talk. In this engaging science lesson we talked about our experiences, which lead to recognizing patterns, finally giving students an explanation of a science task. 


Fall 2014-    
Summer 2015

TE 831, Teaching School Subject Matter with Technology

Fall 2014, Mr Doug Hartman

This course developed my understanding of enhancing teaching and student learning through the use of technology. We studied different models involving incorprating technology into the classsroom. I learned how to find a technology that fit into my lesson rather than taking a technology and making it fit into a lesson. Together with my classmates, we explored and shared free web tools in a range of grade levels from all over the world. 


ED 800, Concepts of Educational Inquiry

Spring 2015, Mr Steven Weiland

This course was the introduction to the Capstone course. I was given the opportunity to research the history and philosophy of education. Education reform was discussed in regards to the purpose, ideas, and current efforts. We examined our own philosophy of teaching and explored how learners learn.


TE 846, Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners

Summer 2015, A. Smith

This course was designed for students to look at developing instructional processes and assessment of effecting learning of reading and writing. We studied and reflected on ways to accommodate the different needs of literacy learners. Over the course of the semester we researched and implemented aspects of a Literacy Learner's Analysis Project. This project focused on one specific student, which in my case, focused on inquiry and problem solving in mathematics.


TE 861C, Action Research in K-12 Science and Mathematics Classroom

Summer 2015, Ms X. Delossantos

This course delved into the philosophy supporting action research in both Science and Mathematics classroom. I am not exagerating when I say I was happy to read every required text within this course. The carefully selected published work has made a huge impact on myself as a math teacher. I participated in a action research study where I created a scaffolding tool used to successfully help a student with a learning disability in problem solving.


Fall 2015-
Spring 2016

CEP 802, Developing Positive Attitudes toward Learning

Fall 2015, Ms Evelyn Oka, & Ms Taylor Hicks-Hoste

As a middle school teacher, motivating students to learn is a strong focus of mine. I completed a critical analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. I analyzed and reflected on movation cases while creating my own. My final motivation case involved assessment, identifying and analyzing a motivational problem, and applied the TARGET framework (Task, Authority, Recognition, Group, Evaluation, and Time). 


TE 855, Teaching School Mathematics

Fall 2015, Mr Michael Weiss

This course explored the methods, materials, activities, and content important to teaching mathematics. A strong emphasis was placed on the importance of conceptual understanding rather than a simple procedural understanding. I investigated how to teach metaknowledge, or a learners knowledge of their own knowledge, so students can determine their own understanding. In my research project, I designed a unit where students investigated and explored concepts first before any direct instruction, and then analyzed the depth of their understanding.


ED 870, Capstone Seminar

Spring 2016, Dr Matthew Koehler

This course gives all learners an opportunity to reflect on their learning throughout their career as a graduate student. The goal of the course is for students to create an online portfolio showcasing their work and reflection as part of the REWARDING Master's of Arts in Education Program at Michigan State University. Within this course I was able to not only reflect on my journey as a graduate student, but also learn about my peers journey as well. I did not know what to expect going into this course, but I could not have asked for a better conclusion to this program. 

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